Site Announcement

This is the big week, the Peace Corps told all of the incoming volunteers where are posts are going to be stationed for the next two years. So for now, during training, I’ve been living in Porto-Novo, the capital (sort of) of Benin, and it is for the most part Read more…

Tissu Addict

My life revolves around clothes. Specifically finding the loudest patterns I can and bringing them to my tailor. Last weekend, after I found out I had 10,000 more CFAs then I thought I did, I went to the grande marche on a tissu hunt with my friends Ron, Sarah and Read more…

My Gentle Tailor

Not a whole lot of exciting things have happened in the last week, although I have been able to pinpoint what Benin smells like. I would describe the general smell of Porto Novo as state fair animal barns with just a hint of middle school locker room. For the most Read more…

Settling In

So finding the enough time and a stable enough internet connection has been more difficult than I thought, but I believe I have found the fastest internet connection in the country (it loads pages in like 30 seconds rather than ( minutes), so I finally have a chance to give Read more…

Je Suis La

Hello! The last week or so has been fairly busy so sorry I haven’t been able to really give any updates. I just got to an internet cafe for the first time and the internet connection is like at least dial up slow, so this will probably be a short Read more…