My Peulh Post

So I was planning on putting up some pictures of my house, but my connection right now isn’t quite strong enough to upload pictures. Not a whole lot of excitement over the last week. The well is still dry, still hit or miss on finding help to bring water back. Read more…


Been a few weeks so it’s about time for an update of sorts. This next week is midterms, so the last week or so of classes have just been review sessions. We’ll see how well the kids do; my guess is that some will do very well, and others very Read more…

All’s Well that Ends Well

A little bit of tidbits to report since I last wrote. The week before last I was back in Porto-Novo for another round of training, which was nice because I got to have running water and air conditioning again. Another nice part of being back in Porto-Novo was being able Read more…