Consider the Mango

It’s been an eventful couple of weeks for Benin. Last weekend they held elections for the national parliament, which at least in my part of the country were peaceful and orderly. Campaigning was interesting to watch, it’s all confined to a two week period before the election, and as far Read more…

No More Teachers

I haven’t updated for a couple of weeks, but that is mostly because nothing that exciting has really happened. I’m glad to say that I am done with teaching for the school year, which is good because the last couple of weeks both the students and myself really weren’t that Read more…

Schedule and Salutations

Things seem to be settling into a fairly normal and predictable pattern here. I wake up at about 7 every morning and take a bucket bath, then I kind of dink around for a little bit until my breakfast is ready. Breakfast is the same thing everyday, two eggs scrambled Read more…


So as I get ready to leave this week, there is really only one thing left to do: finish packing. Now trying to figure out what exactly I’ll need for two years in Africa is not the easiest task, and while the Peace Corps has given suggestions, I’ve taken them Read more…